Photo Credit: "Alan the chihuahua dressed as sleazy Santa" Pinterest, Karen Gilloon
Back in the Spooky season we were in the mood to give our resident “Cannaseur” Jamie a real scare. We had in our possession the most powerful legal cannabis ever sold in Alberta! We were keen to make this our Halloween blog post, however you may have noticed it is 9 nine days before Christmas (at the time of this writing) and we are just now publishing this review. Jamie’s response “Sorry it was really strong stuff”...Well with that out of the way. Let’s dive into Jamie's basement lair, push past the bags of Doritos, under the load bearing pizza boxes and see what happened on that fateful night...
“33%? That has to be a typo?!?” I have never seen legal weed come in with such a high THC rating. But if any company was going to break above 30% honestly it's no surprise that QWEST produced such a monster of a bud. I have always been impressed with their quality and budsmenship (not a thing) so I was curious to see how this oger of a bud stacked up. Turns out Kush Mints was something else, the buds looked like something off the cover of High Times. They were so absolutely frosted with trichomes, so sticky they actually clung to the sides of the container! I almost shed a tear busting the gorgeous buds up but I knew I needed to keep going on...for science…for my job...
I had less than half a gram packed in my vaporizer as I was taking my first pull and I knew I was already in for an interesting night. The world slowed down right away, I quickly realized trying to focus on anything was becoming a struggle. It was then I remembered I had to make it all the way down the stairs to my suite... It didn't go so well. I shambled for a bit and then fell down the remaining stairs... Groaning and moaning like the living dead I shuffled back to my sofa to rethink my Halloween plans.
Lying there I had a hell of a time trying to concentrate on anything, and such evening defining choices like “What should I watch?” and “Do I want a lime or grapefruit soda” were beyond my comprehension. Eventually I decided on a drink and then proceeded to pour it down my face... This was the most “affected” I have ever been from Cannabis and this was only maybe 15 min after my first puff!
I'm pretty sure my roommate and I watched Simpsons “Treehouse of terror” and I felt a lot more sympathetic for Homer that night then I ever have before. As the ending credits rolled in I was busy staring at the remote trying to work out how to go to the next episode when suddenly it disappeared. Not sure how it happened but I found myself staring at the floor and noticed the remote was there? In that moment nothing felt further away then that remote…. What seemed like hours later I managed to grab the remote (after several attempts) and got the next episode started.
Flash forward to the next morning, I awoke on the sofa fully clothed. 8 hours had gone by like nothing. I was still sitting up on the sofa, remote in hand, drool running down my face, surrounded by an empty box of Tim’s Doughnuts. “What in good heavens had happened?” I began to remember that in my “affected” haze I had the uncontrollable urge to ravage my snack drawer, and most of my fridge. I must have also procured doughnuts at some point and returned to the couch for my hibernation.
Interesting note, while taking my post Kush Mints sitrep that morning I noticed some mysterious bread left in my toaster. Turns out I had tried making peanut butter and jelly toast but never got past the “Turning the toaster on” step.
Dear readers I can honestly say I have found more than my match, a Cannabis so well done, so powerful, so hard hitting, so unruly that it may have literally turned me into Homer Simpson. I have seen the other side and it was an interesting visit but I don't want to go back anytime soon. Moral of the story, don’t underestimate your Cannabis! If you are an experienced/ high tolerance smoker looking for a heavy hitting indica that might make your life like a cartoon Kush Mints is the perfect smoke for you. If you are a beginner or intermediate smoker you will essentially be forfeiting the next 8-12 hours of your life. Know yourself and choose your adventure wisely….
Quick Facts:
Strain: Kush Mints
Producer: QWEST
Format: 3.5g Dried Flower
THC: 33%
Type: Indica
MSRP: $65.00
Taste Profile: Slightly minty, very earthy and then skunky at the end.
Effects: Classic heavy Indica profile, comes strong on with intoxicating effects. Couch lock, munchies, turns super sedating.
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